Road Cycling

Proposed off-road cycle route needs your views – Arran Banner

Proposals for an active travel route between Brodick and Lamlash are making good progress.

The project team from Edinburgh based WYG, an environmental transport planning company, is at a pivotal stage where it requires your opinion and help.

To allow the team to gather the public’s opinion, an interactive online consultation is being held from now until May 20.

WYG, working in partnership with North Ayrshire Council, have been commissioned to develop a concept route design for an active travel route between Brodick and Lamlash.

Web links to the online survey, supporting materials and additional information will be made available on the North Ayrshire Council website ( and the project social media Facebook page: (

The project team is encouraging you to participate in the consultation and join the Facebook group, helping to progress this exciting opportunity on Arran.

Those with family and friends who do not have internet access are encouraged to show these materials to them and fill in the survey on their behalf with an aim to reach out to as many people as possible during these difficult times.

The study is currently being funded by Sustrans through the Places for Everyone (PFE) funding and seeks to develop an active travel route that meets the design standards set out within the funding criteria. If successful, the route design will provide a high quality alternative route between both settlements and support walking and cycling, ideally avoiding any on-road travel.

The WYG team is led by Mark and Jordan and their commission currently only allows for stage 1 – evaluation of route options – and stage 2 – development of a preferred concept option. It is anticipated that should a successful concept option be developed, further funding will be procured to allow progression to detailed design and ultimately construction.

The study has only started in late January 2020 and is anticipated to take around three to four months to complete. The route is to start and end at Brodick ferry terminals and Lamlash pier and they are currently working through the stage 1 examining all land based potential route options to get between both towns.

However, they do need your help.

Nicky Garrity, assistant transport planner at WYG, said: ‘As locals you will know the landscape, landowners, issues and opportunities better than anyone else so we would really like to get you views, ideas and comments on what we are doing as we progress. Ultimately, what we come up with together will be for your everyday use, so it needs to work for everyone.’

‘Despite setbacks due to the situation with Covid-19, the WYG Team is trying its hardest to progress the project. The ambition at this stage was to have a consultation evening at a local community centre,  or similar venue, to discuss these options further and to get direct feedback from members of the community on what they want to see in the design.

‘Knowing that group meetings will be suspended for the foreseeable future, we’re looking to alter those plans and to rely more on gathering your comments using Facebook and the online survey. We appreciate this isn’t ideal for everyone and will impact those that don’t have access to the internet.’

The many possible routes for the active travel path.

The many possible routes for the active travel path. NO_B17cycle01

A completely off-road walking and cycling route is the ultimate aim. Photograph: Sustrans NO_Bcycle02